Cellular Recycling


Cellular recycling, known as autophagy, is a crucial biological process where cells recycle old proteins and other cellular structures to maintain health and function efficiently. During autophagy, cells stop producing new proteins and begin breaking down old proteins and structures into amino acids. These materials are then used to build new proteins or generate energy. This process is akin to a cellular contractor using materials from a demolished house to repair or construct new structures.

Autophagy is vital for removing cellular waste, including old proteins and organelles like lysosomes that help degrade unwanted materials. If autophagy is impaired, it can lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's due to the accumulation of protein aggregates. These aggregates can cause significant cellular malfunction.

Dr. Peter Attia emphasizes that as we age, autophagy becomes less efficient, leading to an accumulation of cellular waste and contributing to various aging-related diseases and conditions. Therefore, maintaining effective autophagy is essential for cellular health and longevity 1.

Additionally, Dr. Nichola Conlon discusses enhancing the efficiency of NAD restoration, which is closely linked with cellular recycling. NAD is crucial for various cellular functions, including the activation of proteins that help with DNA repair and other metabolic processes. By optimizing NAD recycling, cells can maintain healthier function over time, contributing to overall cellular efficiency 2 3.

Cellular Recycling

Jocko and Peter discuss the vital process of autophagy, where cells recycle old proteins to maintain health. They delve into how impaired autophagy can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, emphasizing the importance of this cellular cleanup mechanism as we age.

Jocko Podcast

Jocko Podcast 392: Life, Death, Darkness, and Light. "OUTLIVE" with Dr. Peter Attia