How can we understand others?


To understand others, it is essential to develop empathy and mentalize—this involves discerning the emotional and intentional states of others. discusses the value of "putting ourselves in others' shoes" to gain insight into their feelings and intentions. This can help in understanding why someone behaves in a certain way or feels certain emotions, thereby reducing our anxiety and finding a path forward in relationships. However, it requires clarity in perception, uninfluenced by our biases like rationalization or projection. Gaining knowledge about others by understanding their perspectives can improve interpersonal understanding and relationships 1.

It's also emphasized that stepping outside oneself and considering different viewpoints is crucial in contexts ranging from leadership to personal interactions. Empathizing with others involves seeing what others perceive and reacting accordingly, thus improving communication and interactions. Techniques such as paying attention to non-verbal cues and understanding others' perspectives are central to better understanding and empathy 2.

Understanding Others

Andrew and Paul discuss the importance of putting ourselves in others' shoes to gain insight into their feelings and intentions. By doing so, we can foster empathy and understanding, leading to better relationships and personal growth.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Paul Conti: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Relationships | Huberman Lab Guest Series