What are false memories?


False memories are a fascinating aspect of human cognition where individuals recall events that did not actually occur or remember them differently from the way they happened. discusses this topic in the context of memory confabulation. He explains that memory isn't a perfect recorder of events; rather, it is quite capable of creating narratives and perceptions that feel real but are not necessarily accurate. This ability to confabulate can lead people to create elaborate, yet false, stories to explain their actions or experiences, sometimes even in a collective setting, where everyone agrees on a certain but inaccurate memory of events. This process is a natural aspect of how our memory systems operate, illustrating their imperfection and the ease with which memories can be altered or misconstrued 1.

Memory Confabulation

Andrew and Asi delve into the intriguing concept of memory confabulation, discussing how people create false memories and collectively agree on inaccurate perceptions. They explore the intricate workings of memory and the human tendency to confabulate elaborate stories to explain past events, shedding light on the complexities of our cognitive processes.

Huberman Lab

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