Summarize the


Summary of Episode 547: Stopping a Swami from Swindling Our Mommy | Feedback Friday

Key Themes:

  • Psychic Scams: Jordan explains the types of fake psychics and how they deceive people.
  • Swami Con Concerns: A listener's mother is vulnerable to a suspicious "Swami” moving in emotionally. Jordan and Gabriel discuss the red flags and recommend a cautious approach.
  • Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies including breaking tasks into small steps, tackling unpleasant tasks first, and integrating present and future selves were discussed.
  • Documentary Recommendation: "The Dissident," a documentary about Jamal Khashoggi's murder and Saudi Arabia's effort to control dissent, is recommended.
  • Sponsors and Deals: Various sponsors like Fruit of the Loom, Better Help, and Progressive are featured, offering discounts and recommendations.

Notable Clips:

  1. Psychic Scams: Explanation of how fake psychics operate and the importance of investigating.
  2. Feedback Friday: Addressing concerns about scammers and providing actionable advice.
  3. Swami Con Concerns: Highlighting the red flags and the emotional manipulation involved.
  4. Overcoming Procrastination: Tips for avoiding procrastination by tackling tasks in small steps 1.

This episode is a valuable resource for anyone dealing with similar issues of scams or procrastination and offers practical solutions for safeguarding loved ones.

Overcoming Procrastination

Jordan shares his tips on how to overcome procrastination, including breaking tasks into small steps, tackling the least pleasant task first thing in the morning, and integrating present and future selves. He also recommends a book by procrastination researcher Timothy A. Pychyl for further reading.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

547: Stopping a Swami from Swindling Our Mommy | Feedback Friday