How to improve Alzheimer's symptoms?


To enhance Alzheimer's symptoms, several strategies have been suggested by Rhonda Patrick and experts in her discussions:

  1. Cognoscopy: Regular screening for Alzheimer's risk factors is recommended for individuals over 45, termed a "cognoscopy." This includes testing for genetic factors like ApoE4, insulin sensitivity, and other biomarkers such as homocysteine levels 1.

  2. Diet and Nutritional Supplementation:

    • Ketogenic Diet: A ketogenic diet benefits cognitive functioning by improving insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility. Fasting, along with a diet high in fats, can help transition the metabolism from glucose reliance to fat reliance, enhancing brain health 2.
    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Sufficient intake of omega-3, particularly from fish rather than supplements, can help with Alzheimer’s symptoms by enhancing the phagocytosis of amyloid-beta plaques, which are characteristic of Alzheimer’s 3.

      Alzheimer's Prevention

      Dale and Rhonda discuss the importance of getting checked for Alzheimer's and the various biomarkers that can be measured to assess one's risk. Dale explains the Mend protocol, now called Recode, which has shown improvement in over 3000 people.

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    • Sulforaphane: Found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, sulforaphane has been shown to improve memory and cognitive functions in preclinical models of Alzheimer's 4.
    • Fish Oil: Consistent use of high-quality fish oil supports cognitive health and has been shown to increase the clearance of amyloid plaques in individuals with mild cognitive impairment 5.
  3. Awareness of Environmental Toxins: Understanding environmental impacts, like exposure to molds and toxins, is crucial, particularly for those at risk of the rarer Type 3 Alzheimer's which relates to toxic exposure 6.

These approaches, often intertwined, suggest a preventive and multi-faceted strategy to managing or reducing Alzheimer's symptoms. Regular medical checks, dietary management, and environmental awareness stand as pillars in this strategy.