How did the patient overcome fear?


A powerful story of overcoming fear is shared by on . He recounts an anecdote from the siege of Leningrad during World War II, where a young girl fell and dropped her bread in a mud puddle. Overwhelmed by the situation, she began to weep. Another woman, witnessing the incident, tore her own piece of bread in half and gave it to the young girl, providing her with the spirit to endure the subsequent hardship.

This act of kindness and altruism highlighted how compassion can inspire resilience and serve as a powerful tool to overcome fear and adversity 1.

Spirit Shining Through

Jack shares a poignant story from the siege of Leningrad, highlighting the power of altruism in difficult times. Tim and Jack discuss how adversity reveals character and the importance of remembering our true selves to find inner strength and resilience.
Tim Ferriss Show
Jack Kornfield — How to Find Peace Amidst COVID 19 | The Tim Ferriss Show