What is imposter phenomenon?


The imposter phenomenon, also known as imposter syndrome, describes the sentiment of feeling intellectually fraudulent despite being highly competent and accomplished. People experiencing this phenomenon believe they are deceiving others about their intellectual and professional abilities. Even though they have a history of achievements, they feel like they are not as smart or competent as others perceive them to be 1.

Originally identified by psychologists Dr. Pauline Clanz and Dr. Suzanne Imes in 1978, the concept was first associated with high-achieving women, though further studies revealed that it affects both men and women equally. It's not confined to any specific demographic or professional group, and it is characterized by a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud 2.

Overcoming Imposter Phenomenon

Kevin delves into the concept of feeling intellectually fraudulent, even when highly accomplished. He explores the factors contributing to self-doubt and offers strategies to combat these feelings.

Hidden Brain

Success 2.0: The Psychology of Self-Doubt