How to prepare for a hurricane?


Brad Barrett provides several essential tips for hurricane preparedness. Here's a concise guide based on his advice:

  1. Stock Up on Water and Food: Ensure you have ample supplies of water and non-perishable food for at least 48 to 72 hours. Fill containers or use individual water bottles to address both drinking and hygiene needs 1.

  2. Prepare Your Home:

    • Secure Outside Items: Move lawn furniture and other outdoor items indoors to prevent them from becoming projectiles during the storm 2.
    • Consider Flood Risks: If your area is prone to flooding, especially with a creek nearby, consider using sandbags to protect your home 2.
  3. Power and Cooking Solutions: Having a gas stove and a large propane tank can help ensure you can cook and boil water during power outages. Additionally, a generator can be a valuable investment for prolonged outages to keep essential appliances running 2 3.

    Hurricane Preparation Insights

    Jonathan and Brad discuss the urgency of hurricane preparation as a major storm approaches, highlighting the importance of being practical and prepared. Jonathan's realization of the need for readiness leads to last-minute efforts to secure water supplies, shedding light on the fine line between fear and practicality in the face of natural disasters.


    092R | It's not the Idea, it's the Process
  4. Community Support: Leverage community networks for support and resources. For instance, during Hurricane Florence, the ChooseFI community members offered their driveways for others to park their RVs safely away from the storm 4.

  5. Realistic Preparedness: Be practical and avoid over-preparing. Assess the necessity of items and focus on stocking up essentials that you will use anyway, such as food and water 5.

  6. Financial Preparedness: Being on the path to financial independence offers a significant safety net during emergencies. Saving consistently and having a substantial emergency fund can help you weather the storm without added financial stress 6 7.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance your readiness for a hurricane, ensuring safety and minimizing disruptions to your daily life.