What are CO2 tolerance sets?


CO2 tolerance sets involve practices to improve the body's tolerance to elevated levels of carbon dioxide. This concept is useful for enhancing physical performance and recovery processes. CO2 tolerance can help athletes, and even non-athletes, by enhancing their ability to manage the parasympathetic (calming) response of the nervous system and by improving the control of their breathing, specifically the diaphragm.

Here are some key insights into CO2 tolerance:

  1. Purpose of Tolerance: It tests and strengthens the body's ability to handle higher levels of CO2, which is critical during physical activities where intense breathing and high CO2 production occur.
  2. Benefits: Improving CO2 tolerance can aid in better handling stress, anxiety, and higher physical exertion levels.
  3. Measurement and Utilization: CO2 tolerance is measured using a specific test that involves controlled breathing techniques. This test guides decisions about physical training and mental strategies to handle stress and anxiety 1 2 3.

    Recovery Techniques

    Andrew discusses the importance of initiating recovery at the end of a training session and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system. He suggests using respiration tools like physiological sighs and deliberate disengagement to kickstart the recovery process. He also mentions the use of CO2 tolerance sets as a valuable tool for recovery.

    Huberman Lab

    Science of Muscle Growth, Increasing Strength & Muscular Recovery | Huberman Lab Podcast #22

This process is especially beneficial for athletes and active individuals who need to optimize their breathing and nervous system recovery after intense activities.