hybrid working


Hybrid working, combining remote and in-office work, offers various advantages but also presents challenges that leaders must carefully manage to harness its full potential.


  1. Flexibility and Innovation: Hybrid work supports both flexibility and face-to-face interactions crucial for innovation and team cohesion. This model allows employees a balance of remote and in-office work, enhancing productivity and work-life balance 1.
  2. Access to Diverse Talent: By not being limited to local talent and allowing remote work, companies can tap into a more diverse talent pool, fostering creativity and different perspectives 2.


  1. Maintaining Culture and Trust: With some team members being remote while others are in-office, there can be unintended biases and cultural shifts which might affect group dynamics and team trust. It requires meticulous planning and intentionality in communication and team building activities 2.
  2. Equity and Collaboration: Hybrid work can introduce friction and inequities among employees based on their physical presence in the office. Effective collaboration can be hampered if not managed properly, requiring dedicated effort and potentially new roles focused on optimizing work processes across different setups 3.

    The Hybrid Work Model

    Nick Bloom discusses the benefits of a hybrid work model, which combines in-person and remote work. He highlights the advantages of face-to-face interaction for innovation and culture-building, while also emphasizing the time-saving and individual work benefits of remote work. By organizing teams to align on certain days in the office, the hybrid model can offer the best of both worlds.


    Nick Bloom | What Workers Want

Implementation Strategies:

  • Structured Schedules: Companies are advised to synchronize work schedules where all team members are in-office or remote on the same days to maximize in-person interaction and minimize coordination challenges 4.
  • Deliberate Interaction Planning: On office days, networking and team interactions should be prioritized to foster a sense of community and belonging, supporting the organization's culture 5.

Hybrid working is increasingly viewed as beneficial and is being adopted widely across various industries, particularly in tech, because of its potential to enhance flexibility while maintaining aspects of traditional office interaction. However, intentional design and continuous adaptation are crucial to address its inherent challenges.