Benefits of real-time interactions?


Real-time interactions provide several significant benefits:

  1. Perception of Instantaneity: As explained by , achieving a latency of less than 100 milliseconds in interactions makes processes appear instantaneous to humans. This is crucial for applications like gaming, virtual reality, and more, making the user experience feel smooth and responsive 1.

  2. Reduction of Miscommunication: discusses how real-time, analog interactions reduce the misinterpretation common in text-based communication. Emotional nuances are better conveyed and understood, which helps to prevent misunderstandings and maintains the emotional tone of conversations 2.

  3. Enhanced Engagement and Empathy: Immediate back-and-forth conversation, described by as 'synchronous conversation', enhances understanding and engagement between participants. It allows for quicker adjustments in communication strategies and emotional reactions, fostering a more empathetic connection 3.

    Achieving Real-Time Experiences

    Spencer discusses the importance of adhering to the 100 millisecond rule for human perception of time, highlighting how low latency can enable real-time experiences in gaming, self-driving, AR, VR, and more. He emphasizes that as this becomes more desirable and attainable, it will drive innovation and make applications that don't prioritize low latency feel outdated.

    The Changelog

    Massive scale and ultra-resilience
  4. Improved Social Interaction: also notes that analog forms of communication, such as phone calls, preserve crucial social cues like tone and tempo of speech, which are important for meaningful social interactions. This helps to maintain a sense of connection and reduces the feeling of isolation 4.

These attributes underscore the value of real-time interactions in both personal communications and technological applications, enhancing user experience, reducing misunderstandings, and supporting emotional and social wellbeing.