What are PCSK nine inhibitors?


PCSK9 inhibitors are a class of drugs that target a specific protein called PCSK9, which plays a crucial role in cholesterol metabolism. This protein degrades LDL (low-density lipoprotein) receptors, thus influencing cholesterol levels in the blood. The discovery of PCSK9's role happened in individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia—a condition characterized by extremely high cholesterol levels, where mutations in PCSK9 led to the over-degradation of LDL receptors, resulting in heightened cholesterol levels.

These inhibitors were developed following the discovery of individuals who naturally had hypo-functioning PCSK9, leading to very low levels of LDL cholesterol and an apparent immunity to heart disease. The drugs, which are typically administered by injection, bind to and inhibit the PCSK9 protein, thus increasing the number of LDL receptors available to clear LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. This has been a significant advancement in the treatment of high cholesterol, especially for those who are at high risk of cardiovascular diseases 1 2.

Potent Cholesterol Drugs

Peter and Andrew discuss PCSK nine inhibitors, a protein that degrades LDL receptors, and how it affects cholesterol levels. They also talk about ApoB and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease as a cause of death globally. The conversation highlights the importance of taking a world view of heart health and considering the use of statins and other compounds to prevent heart disease.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Peter Attia: Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones for Vitality & Longevity | Huberman Lab Podcast #85