Acute Loading


Acute loading refers to sudden increases in physical demand or load during training, which can significantly impact injury risk. Chris Duffin discussed the concept of acute loading in the context of strength training, emphasizing that spikes in acute loading that exceed 10-15% of chronic loading (average load over time) can account for up to 80% of injuries in training contexts. Properly managing these spikes, especially after periods of reduced training (like vacations or deload weeks), is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure continuous progress in training cycles, like those involved in high-demand routines such as deadlifting 1.

Injury Prevention

Chris explains how spikes in acute loading that exceed 10-15% of chronic loading can account for 80% of injuries. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a consistent average in chronic loading and avoiding large spikes, especially after periods of decreased training.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Chris Duffin: The Mad Scientist of Strength | Lex Fridman Podcast #207