How to write a technical blog?


To write a compelling technical blog, here's some expert advice from content creators and writers:

1. Experiment and Find Your Unique Voice

emphasizes the importance of experimenting to find a unique voice that engages your audience. He encourages treating the challenge of finding an effective format as an opportunity to stand out in the field. The effort you put into developing a compelling style will give you a significant advantage over others who do not invest the same amount of work 1.

2. Develop a Philosophy

In addition to finding your voice, talks about the need for a clear and aspirational philosophy. Your blog should preach this philosophy consistently to build a community of readers who share your vision. This repeated reinforcement of your key ideas helps engage and retain your audience over time 2.

3. Treat Content Creation as a Process

suggests viewing content creation as a structured process similar to engineering workflows. She advises breaking down your tasks into smaller parts, such as idea generation, outlining, drafting, and revising. This systematic approach can prevent writer's block and help maintain a steady content flow 3.

Writing a Technical Blog

Cal Newport provides advice on how to approach writing a technical blog. He emphasizes the importance of experimentation and finding a unique voice to make the content compelling. By putting in the effort to overcome the challenge, writers can gain a competitive advantage in their space.

Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 223: Could This Meeting Have Been An Email?

4. Sustain Idea Generation

Continuously generating and storing ideas is crucial. points out that many writers struggle because they exhaust their initial pool of ideas quickly and lack ongoing idea generation strategies. Regularly seeding new ideas can help sustain your blog in the long term 3.

5. Accept Imperfection and Keep Writing

Lastly, emphasizes that waiting for inspiration or the "perfect" idea can stall your writing. Accept that your first draft may not be perfect and focus on refining your work through revisions. This pragmatic approach can help maintain productivity and improve content quality over time 3.

By following these guidelines, you can create a technical blog that stands out, engages readers, and sustains itself over time.