• How can you capture shower thoughts?

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    Capturing shower thoughts can be quite a challenge, but experts have shared some effective strategies:

    1. Waterproof Notepads: Both and use waterproof notepads like Aqua Notes to jot down ideas immediately in the shower. This prevents thoughts from slipping away and can be quite effective in capturing insights when you can't use electronic devices 1 2.

    2. Visual Reminders: suggests using dry erase markers to write ideas on shower tiles. These visual cues can stimulate further ideas and keep the original thoughts alive until you can transcribe them properly 3.

    3. Embrace Idle Time: Allowing your brain to wander, whether through running, walking, or even brushing your teeth, can foster a conducive environment for creative thinking. It’s beneficial to have a notebook handy at all times to capture spontaneous ideas 3.

    4. Connect with the Moment: emphasizes bringing mindfulness into everyday activities, including showering. This presence can help make these moments more magical and productive for creative thoughts 4.

    Try integrating one or more of these methods to consistently capture those fleeting but often valuable shower thoughts.