Jaw Training


Jaw training has been discussed in terms of exercises that improve the jaw's strength and overall health. Here are key insights from experts on effective jaw training methods:

  1. Static Contractions:

    • Andrew Huberman recommends simple exercises like placing fists under the jaw and applying resistance while pushing the chin down. This strengthens the front neck muscles, which indirectly supports jaw strength, without increasing neck bulk. This also improves posture and airway passage. Always maintain tongue on the roof of the mouth during these exercises 1.
  2. Old-School Techniques:

    • In more traditional strength training, as discussed by Sal Di Stefano and Justin Andrews, techniques like neck bridges and using chains with a bit to strengthen the neck and jaw simultaneously have been used. This also engages the jaw muscles effectively. However, caution is advised to avoid excessive strain that could lead to joint issues 2.
  3. Jaw-Specific Tools:

    • Annette Verpillot discusses the use of tools like gua sha for direct jaw muscle release, emphasizing proper tongue position to reduce muscle stress significantly. Maintaining correct oral posture is crucial in relieving tension in the jaw muscles 3.

      Neck Strengthening Exercise

      Strengthening the front neck muscles can improve posture and alleviate pain. Andrew shares a simple exercise using fists and tongue placement to enhance neck strength and overall spine health.

      Huberman Lab

      Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back
  4. Vibrating Tools:

    • Ben Greenfield shares his experience using a vibrating massage device on the jaw for tension relief. This method should be used cautiously to avoid potential damage, but it's effective in reducing jaw tension 4.
  5. Careful Weight Training:

    • Andrew Hubernam's methodology includes using light weights like a plate wrapped in a towel to safely strengthen the neck. This indirect approach benefits jaw stability by ensuring supportive musculature is properly engaged without overloading the jaw directly 5.

It's important to note that while strengthening the jaw, maintaining proper technique and understanding the interconnectedness of the jaw, neck, and overall posture are crucial for preventing strain and maximizing the benefits of the exercises.