How does Cody compile song ideas?


Cody Simpson compiles song ideas by utilizing the breaks he gets from his rigorous training schedule as a swimmer. Despite the exhaustion he often feels due to his training, he experiences bursts of creative energy during his rest periods. During these times, he gathers and records various ideas for songs which he plans to revisit and develop further when he has more available time. Cody mentions how this sporadic yet valuable creative period allows him not to let his musical pursuits fade too much despite his busy athletic career 1 .

Creative Energy and Exhaustion

Cody Simpson discusses how his creative impulses are dampened by exhaustion from training, but he still finds ways to compile ideas for songs. Rich Roll praises Cody for setting a positive example and talks about Cody's entrepreneurial ventures and documentary chronicling his swim. Cody performs a heartfelt song.

Rich Roll

Cody Simpson’s INSANE Comeback: From Pop Star To Olympic Swimmer | Cody Simpson X Rich Roll Podcast