What is the love muscle?


The "love muscle" is conceptualized as the ability to actively allow love to flow through oneself, even in challenging situations. explains this concept in a conversation on . He suggests that the "muscle" involves being willing to love not just those who are easy to love, such as family and friends, but also those with whom we disagree or find difficult to love. This practice strengthens our capacity for universal love, which is essential for healing societal divisions and building compassionate communities 1 .

Love as a Practice

Love requires active engagement, especially towards those we disagree with. It's not just about loving those close to us; true strength lies in allowing love to flow universally. As society grapples with rising hate and division, embracing a broader definition of neighborliness is essential for healing and building a more compassionate world.
The Resetter Podcast
We are awareness | Michael Beckwith and Dr. Mindy Pelz