What are secondary effects?


Secondary effects are unintended consequences that occur as a result of a primary action or decision, often in unexpected or opposite ways from the intended outcomes. For instance, Tobi Lütke discusses how the environmentalists' advocacy against nuclear power led to the increased use of coal and oil, contributing significantly to climate change. This demonstrates how a positive intention (environmental protection) can result in a negative secondary effect (increased carbon emissions and climate change). Additionally, the aggression by Russia toward Ukraine led to a secondary effect of countries reassessing their energy policies, which could potentially help solve climate change 1 .

Secondary Effects

Tobi discusses the importance of considering secondary effects, using examples such as the environmental movement's impact on carbon emissions and Russia's aggression towards Ukraine potentially leading to a solution for climate change. He also emphasizes the need for designing systems to align individual efforts with company goals.

The Knowledge Project

Tobi Lütke: Empowering a World of Rebels | Knowledge Project Podcast