Porn statistics
Porn statistics
Pornography statistics reveal significant trends and impacts:
Viewership Rates:
- 91% of men and 60% of women reported viewing porn within the last month. The rise in female viewership is attributed to the increased content targeted at women 1.
- Major porn sites like Pornhub account for billions of visits annually, indicating repetitive use among viewers 2.
Market Size and Traffic:
- The porn industry generates more traffic than Twitter, Amazon, and Netflix combined. It's estimated to be a $100 billion industry 3 4.
Porn Statistics Insights
Michael and Jordan delve into surprising statistics about porn consumption, revealing high percentages among both men and women. They discuss the debate around porn addiction and its comparison to other addictive behaviors, shedding light on the blurred lines in psychology and neuroscience.The Jordan Harbinger Show986: Porn | Skeptical Sunday12345 - Approximately 30% of internet content is thought to be pornographic 5.
- The porn industry generates more traffic than Twitter, Amazon, and Netflix combined. It's estimated to be a $100 billion industry 3 4.
Online Behavior:
- Every second, over 28,000 users are watching internet pornography, showing its widespread online reach 5.
- Studies indicate a considerable portion of online interactions and content downloads pertain to pornographic materials 5.
Impact on Relationships and Health:
- Pornography is linked to higher divorce rates, with 56% more likely to occur when porn is involved. Up to 60% of these divorces cite a partner's porn use as a reason 3.
- There are debates among neuroscientists and psychologists regarding the classification of porn addiction and its effects on brain function and behavior 1 4.
These statistics provide a comprehensive view of the prevalence, market size, and impacts of pornography usage.