Pitfalls of losing oneself to money?


Shane Parrish explored the pitfalls of losing oneself to money in a discussion with Luke Burgis. They addressed the misconception that higher income leads to increased happiness. Research suggests that after a certain income threshold (previously around $85,000), happiness does not significantly increase with more money. Despite earning well above this threshold early in his career, Luke Burgis felt miserable because he was chasing an unexamined idea of success, believed to lead to financial security.

The conversation highlighted a key problem: people often think they need just a few more years of effort to achieve financial comfort but then get caught in a cycle where "enough" is never truly enough. This endless pursuit can prevent individuals from fulfilling other essential aspects of life, such as creativity, which was crucial for Burgis's happiness. He realized that without a creative outlet, he felt significantly unfulfilled, despite his financial success, showing that money alone cannot address all personal needs or lead to happiness 1 .

Money and Happiness

Luke discusses his experience of making a lot of money but still feeling unhappy. He talks about how the pursuit of financial security can become a slippery slope and how he realized the importance of exercising his creativity.

The Knowledge Project

The Power of Mimetic Desire | Luke Burgis | Knowledge Project 138