Economic interdependence theory


Economic interdependence theory suggests that in a globalized world, where countries are economically intertwined, the level of economic interdependence can lead to peace. This theory posits that if two countries are economically dependent on each other and benefit from this relationship, they're less likely to engage in conflict because it would harm their mutual economic interests. Essentially, none would want to "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs." This perspective stands in contrast to others that might prioritize national power or security concerns over economic benefits, indicating a complex interplay of economic gain and security imperatives in international relations 1.

For more detailed insights into this theory, you may refer directly to the episode where this was discussed: [].

Theories of Peace

Explore the contrasting theories of peace as Lex Fridman and John Mearsheimer discuss the role of democracy, economic interdependence, and institutions in preventing war. Discover the arguments for and against each theory and gain insights into the complexities of international politics.

Lex Fridman Podcast

John Mearsheimer: Israel-Palestine, Russia-Ukraine, China, NATO, and WW3 | Lex Fridman Podcast #401