Is digital border control more humane?


Digital border control does not appear to be directly addressed in the context of its humanity in the retrieved clips. However, there are discussions about the broader implications of technology on geopolitical boundaries and safety measures against advanced AI technologies.

  1. Geopolitical Boundaries: discusses the fluidity of digital connections and their impact on traditional geopolitical concepts in the digital era. He mentions the ability for digital networks, like those of cryptocurrencies and decentralized platforms, to reshape how we think about national and geographic boundaries. The traditional view of static nations and borders is being challenged by the rise of network-defined groups and currencies 1.

  2. AI and Safety Measures: talks about defensive strategies against AI, including creating air-gapped systems (computers isolated from unsecure networks) to prevent unwanted AI behavior. This conversation revolves around making AI systems safe and manageable, which might suggest a parallel consideration for humane practices in areas like digital border control 2.

These discussions indirectly highlight the complexity and evolving nature of technology's influence on society, suggesting a need for careful consideration of humanity and ethics in implementing any form of digital control or surveillance.

Digital Geopolitical Shift

Balaji discusses how the digital landscape is changing traditional geopolitical boundaries, emphasizing the rise of network-defined nations and currencies. He highlights the fluidity of digital connections and the need to adapt to evolving moral principles in this new era.

Tim Ferriss Show

Balaji Srinivasan on the Network State and How to Start a New Country