what is the gist of the "Eye Movements and Anxiety"


The core idea discussed by about "Eye Movements and Anxiety" relates to the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in reducing anxiety and the amplitude of the threat reflex through lateralized eye movements. These specific eye movements decrease activation in the amygdala and related circuitries, thereby calming the individual. Despite its efficacy, it's noted that EMDR is particularly beneficial for treating single-event traumas but less so for prolonged traumatic experiences, like a challenging childhood or marriage 1.

Additionally, the discussion touches on evolutionary aspects where forward movement, which naturally involves these lateralized eye movements, tends to suppress fear responses. This is because forward movement and fear usually do not coexist; movement can even generate eye movements that suppress the amygdala's activation, leading to a calmer state 2.

Eye Movements and Anxiety

Andrew discusses the mechanism behind EMDR and how it reduces anxiety through lateralized eye movements. He also talks about the limitations of EMDR in treating trauma and fear associated with long-term experiences.

Huberman Lab

Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear | Huberman Lab Podcast #49