Why do some deny the divine?
Why do some deny the divine?
The denial of the divine is often rooted in several key considerations and personal experiences:
Material Universe vs. Meaning: Some individuals find it challenging to reconcile the existence of a benevolent deity with the presence of evil and suffering in the world. This struggle, known as theodicy, questions how a divine being could allow such occurrences. For some, the randomness and cruelty observed in the universe suggest a lack of divine meaning, making atheism a more appealing explanation 1.
Cultural and Personal Influences: Cultural contexts can heavily influence belief systems. For instance, 20th-century America was seen by some, like the writer Flannery O'Connor, as a period where disbelief was prevalent. Personal hardships and experiences, such as the despair caused by family tragedies in the case of Walker Percy, can also lead individuals to question or deny the divine. For many, the struggle between belief and unbelief becomes a profound, continuous testing ground for their convictions 2.
Epistemic Standards: The standards of evidence and reasoning that underpin scientific and logical thought often contrast with those supporting religious faith. Some find it difficult to justify belief in God using the same rigorous criteria they apply to scientific theories and may reject the divine on these grounds 1.
Disbelief as a Defense Mechanism: Psychological resistance to challenging deep-seated beliefs can lead to disbelief. As suggested by , people may resist revisiting their fundamental presuppositions, especially when such revisions involve admitting uncomfortable or chaotic truths. This resistance can be a defense mechanism to maintain psychological and social coherence 3.
Faith and Existence
Simon discusses the intersection of faith and existence, questioning the origins of imagination and the presence of beauty in unexpected places. He delves into theodicy, pondering the existence of evil in a material universe and the hope for eventual resolution despite the tragedies witnessed throughout history.Mindscape PodcastMindscape 206 | Simon Conway Morris on Evolution, Convergence, and Theism123
These factors, among others, collectively contribute to why some individuals might deny the divine.