What is brain mapping?


Brain mapping is a technique used in neuroscience and neurosurgery to identify and interact with various areas of the brain, particularly those critical for specific functions like language and movement. During procedures like awake brain surgery, surgeons use small electrical stimulators to probe different brain regions, observing the effects of stimulation on a patient’s abilities. For instance, stimulating specific parts might temporarily inhibit speech or trigger movements, allowing surgeons to identify and avoid critical areas while addressing issues like seizures or tumors 1.

Brain Mapping

Eddie Chang explains how brain mapping is used in awake brain surgery to protect critical areas of the brain while accomplishing the mission of getting seizures under control or removing brain tumors. By stimulating different parts of the brain, they can determine which areas are related to language, talking, and movements of the body. The brain mapping process can even shut down someone's ability to talk altogether, reminding us of the extraordinary and precise nature of the brain.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Eddie Chang: The Science of Learning & Speaking Languages | Huberman Lab Podcast #95