Nature vs. Nurture
Genetic inheritance accounts for about 50% of personality variability, while life experiences shape the other half. The desire for change often stems from wanting what we can't have, yet striving for an ideal self can enhance feelings of authenticity. Embracing aspirations for self-improvement is just as important as self-acceptance, suggesting that our goals for change are integral to who we are.In this clip
From this podcast
Something You Should Know
How to Be An Extraordinary Individual & What Would You Change About Your Personality?
Related Questions
Can personality traits change?
Can personalities change over time?
If we can't forget traumatic events but can modify our emotional response to past events, can the changes to a person's character following an event also be reversed or altered? For example, if someone who was once very positive and engaging returns from war or suffers the loss of a parent/spouse and becomes guarded and distant, how much of our 'character' is malleable? Or can people truly become 'stuck in their ways'? This question relates to the episode 365: Benjamin Hardy | How to Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and the clip Personality and Passion.