How can i sleep better? I work on a farm all day and get up early. I do gym in the afternoon


Improving your sleep, especially with a physically demanding daily routine like farm work and gym sessions, can greatly benefit from several strategies. Here are some tips based on the discussions from the Mind Pump Podcast:

  1. Prepare for Sleep: Preparing your mind and body for sleep is crucial. Employ strategies like turning down the temperature in your room, using blue light blocking glasses, and possibly using a tool like BrainFM to create a sleep-conducive environment. These steps help signal to your brain that it's time to wind down 1.

  2. Manage Sunlight Exposure: If possible, get about 20-30 minutes of sunlight exposure during the day. This helps set your circadian rhythm, telling your body when it's day and night, which can significantly improve your sleep quality 2.

  3. Exercise Timing: Consider the timing and intensity of your workouts. Intense physical activities too close to bedtime may disrupt your ability to fall asleep. Since you train in the afternoon, ensure there's enough buffer before you go to bed to allow your body to enter a state of relaxation 3.

    Sleep Preparation

    Adam, Sal, and Justin discuss the importance of preparing the mind and body for sleep, especially for shift workers. They share tips such as wearing blue light blocking glasses, getting the body cold, and using BrainFM to create a sleep-conducive environment. They also mention the negative effects of shift work on the circadian rhythm and overall health.

    Mind Pump Podcast

    #1241 | Creatine Intake on Non-training Days, Get Quality Sleep When Working Night Shifts, & MORE
  4. Nutrition and Recovery: Ensure your diet supports your recovery. Consuming a balanced meal after your gym session can aid recovery and prepare your body for restful sleep. Ensuring you're hydrated and avoiding heavy meals close to bedtime can also improve your sleep quality 4.

  5. Routine: Establish a calming pre-sleep routine that might include activities like light stretching, reading, or meditation in a dimly lit environment. These activities can help transition your body into sleep mode more effectively 5.

By integrating these strategies, particularly adjusting your exercise habits and enhancing your evening routine, you can improve your sleep quality, which is crucial for recovery and overall well-being.


I’m a New mum again wanting to loose body fat. I Have limited time to train in the gym


As a new mom looking to lose body fat with limited time for gym access, here are some tailored strategies discussed on the Mind Pump Podcast:

  1. Efficient Workouts:

    • Focus on short, efficient workouts. Break your exercise into sessions throughout the day if needed, using 15-minute increments to fit into your busy schedule. This approach allows you to manage fatigue and still achieve a significant amount of exercise cumulatively 1.
    • Compound exercises are highly recommended during gym sessions. These exercises work multiple muscle groups at once, providing the most bang for your buck in terms of time and effort 2.
  2. Home Exercises:

    • Utilize home workouts. Suggestions include bodyweight exercises or using simple equipment like resistance bands. This flexibility can greatly aid in maintaining a consistent exercise routine 3.

      Efficient Workouts for New Parents

      Sal, Adam, and Justin discuss the challenges new parents face when trying to find time to exercise and offer a solution: short, frequent workouts. By breaking up workouts into 15-minute sessions throughout the day, parents can still prioritize their health and fitness while taking care of their newborn. This approach is not only more efficient but also helps solidify the habit of working out.

      Mind Pump Podcast

      10 Ways To Rebuild MUSCLE & Train SAFELY After Having A Baby | Mind Pump 1882
  3. Nutrition and Metabolism:

    • Focus on building your metabolism, which can be more effective for long-term fat loss than just reducing calorie intake. Incorporate strength training into your routine, which helps increase muscle mass and in turn, boosts your metabolism 4.
  4. Mindset:

    • Approach your fitness regimen with a positive mindset. Viewing exercise as a form of self-care and respecting your current limitations (like lack of sleep) can make your efforts more sustainable and effective 5.
  5. Energy Management:

    • Prioritize workouts that do not exhaust you but instead rejuvenate or energize you. This is crucial, especially on days where sleep might be compromised 5.

Implementing these targeted strategies can help you efficiently work towards your fat loss goals while managing the demands of being a new mother.