Eu, impreuna cu alti colegi am mancat o pizza. Mentionez ca am avut o perioada foarte solicitanta iar in ziua in care am mancat pizza, seara, am vomitat. In ziua respectiva am stari de furie resimtite la nivelul stomacului si am fost anxioasa legat de faptul ca nu am finalizat niste task-uri. Ce mi s-a intamplat?


Based on expert insights, your symptoms could result from several factors including food intolerance, stress-related gastrointestinal distress, or a combination of both.

  1. Food Intolerance: In the , discusses how he realized that his digestive discomfort was tied to his dairy intake, particularly cheese, which is a common ingredient in pizza. He found that reducing dairy alleviated his symptoms which suggests that you might be experiencing a similar food intolerance 1.

  2. Stress-Induced Gastrointestinal Issues: High levels of stress and anxiety can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. It's noted that emotions can directly impact gut function, which might explain why your anxiety and stress about unfinished tasks could manifest as physical symptoms like those you experienced 2.

Advisably, consult a healthcare professional for a personalized assessment and to discuss any recurring symptoms. This will help ensure that any underlying issues are properly addressed.

Dairy and Digestion

Tom shares his personal experience with dairy and how reducing his cheese intake helped alleviate his digestive discomfort. Max discusses the potential negative effects of dairy and the importance of considering the quality of ingredients in restaurant foods.

Impact Theory

The SHOCKING ROOT CAUSE Of Alzheimer's & The DAILY HACKS To Prevent It! | Max Lugavere

Even if I like to be a psychologist counselor, my job requires many papers to do that drain me. Like no year, this year I’ve been ill on January, February, on April I had a panic attack and on may I puked after a stressful day. How can I help myself?


To help yourself manage the stress and health issues associated with a demanding job as a psychologist counselor, consider the following strategies based on insights from trusted experts:

  1. Coping Mechanisms and Stress Management: notes the importance of a supportive culture and consistent stress management practices. In stressful careers, it’s vital to develop a resilient mindset and integrate daily practices to handle pressure effectively 1.

  2. Nutrition and Mental Health: According to , nutrition plays a crucial role in mental health. Stress can often lead to neglecting dietary needs, which in turn affects mental wellbeing. Prioritize maintaining a balanced diet as it can considerably influence your mental and physical health 2.

  3. Focus on Process Over Outcomes: discusses the importance of concentrating on processes rather than outcomes. This perspective can reduce feelings of pressure and enhance your ability to manage daily stress. Identify what you can control, such as your responses and daily habits, and focus on these elements to maintain stability and performance 3.

    Coping with Pressure

    Evy Poumpouras discusses the importance of training and mindset in handling career stress and the potential mental health challenges faced by high-performing individuals like athletes. She emphasizes the need for practicing coping mechanisms and stress management to prevent negative outcomes.

    The Neuro Experience with Louisa Nicola

    Improve Your Health and Happiness with Better Relationships | Evy Poumpouras

Combining these approaches—building resilience, nourishing your body, and focusing on controllable aspects—may provide a foundation to better handle the pressures of your job and improve your overall health. Additionally, consulting with a mental health professional could further enable you to develop personalized coping strategies.


How can I better manage stress in a demanding job?


To better manage stress in a demanding job, consider implementing the following strategies provided by trusted experts:

  1. Exercise and Nutrition: Maintain regular physical activity and a balanced diet. The act of exercising not only improves your fitness but also boosts endorphins, which can reduce stress 1. Proper nutrition supports both your physical and mental health, especially crucial during stressful times 2.

  2. Breathing and Recovery Techniques: Utilize practical tools like the 'CO2 blowout breathing' method. This involves inhaling for 2 seconds, holding for 2 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, and then holding again for 4 seconds. Such techniques can help shift your body from a stressed state to a calmer one 3.

    Managing Stress

    Dr. Daniel Amen and Lisa discuss the detrimental effects of stress and explore practical ways to manage it in daily life, including exercise, sleep, meditation, and mind-body techniques. They emphasize the importance of finding realistic solutions to prevent long-term negative impacts on health and well-being.

    Women of Impact

    It Starts In Your 30's! Brain Dr On WHY Women are MORE LIKELY to get Alzheimer’s & Dementia |Dr Amen
  3. Mindfulness and Breaks: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. suggests taking a 15-minute walk during lunch without your phone to reduce stress levels significantly. This break can help reset your stress response, leading to improved afternoon productivity and overall well-being 4.

  4. Setting Learning Goals: Engage in lifelong learning. Setting daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual learning goals can help keep your mind engaged and reduce stress. This approach also supports a growth mindset, which can be particularly helpful in navigating stressful situations 2.

  5. Visualization and Mindful Awareness: Use visualization techniques to foster a positive mental state. Additionally, practicing an 'open gaze,' which involves broadening your visual focus, can help transition your mind into a more relaxed state 3.

Implementing these strategies can help mitigate the stress of a demanding job, allowing for more effective management of your professional responsibilities and personal health.